Saturday, February 28, 2015

The University Of Maryland

     The head of University of Maryland's neonatology department has recommended that Charlotte be transferred to the NICU at the University of Maryland because Charlotte needs to be seen by several specialists. All of the doctors that Charlotte had seen at Mercy Medical Center also work at the University of Maryland, because these two hospitals are sister facilities. Charlotte will be seeing a nephrologist, an endocrinologist, and a hematologist. The nephrologist will be assessing Charlotte's kidneys because she has had abnormal levels of sodium. The endocrinologist will be assessing her abnormal levels of potassium. The hematologist will be assessing her low platelet levels. Once Charlotte has been seen by all of these specialists, we can transfer back to Mercy Medical Center. Before we were transferred to the University of Maryland,  Laura and Charlotte had a great Kangaroo Care. Charlotte loves to be held, and Laura loves to hold her. It is very scary having to leave our wonderful NICU at Mercy, but we know Charlotte needs the care that the University can provide. The transport team consisted of four people and one tiny portable incubator. Charlotte did so well breathing on the ride to the University that the doctors put her back on CPAP, and she has tolerated it very well. Her breathing is really improving!
     Since arriving at the University of Maryland Medical Center, Charlotte's medical status is improving. They have taken lots of blood so that they can check all of Charlotte's blood levels and also try and find a diagnosis for why her levels are abnormal. Charlotte's potassium levels have returned to normal due to the albuterol treatments. She continues to get IV saline to increase her sodium levels. Her sodium levels are returning to normal. She is still not eating and receiving IV TPN, so that they can get her blood levels to return to normal. The attending doctor met with us and is wonderful. She is going to be sending out lots of tests to different labs to try and find out what has caused Charlotte's potassium levels to be so high. Hopefully this week we will have more answers from all the blood work that has been sent out. Poor Charlotte looks like she has been in a bad car accident. She has splints on three out of four limbs to stabilize all of the lines and tubes that are giving her what she needs. However, Charlotte has settled in nicely to her new home at the University. The NICU is very different than the one at the Mercy Medical Center. The rooms are communal with several babies in each. Only 2 people are allowed to visit Charlotte at once, because it gets very crowded. We can't wait until we get to go back to Mercy!

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