Monday, February 16, 2015

Baby steps

     Charlotte is continuing to slowly get stronger every day. Today she has started to eat twice as much food, 2 milliliters every 3 hours. It's definitely not a Big Mac Challenge, but I guess it will have to do for now. (Ask Laura about that story!) 
     The nurses have put a PICC line in Charlotte's leg so that she can receive long term intravenous medications while she is in the NICU. They attempted to put the PICC line in her arm, but it wasn't working. Charlottes tiny little right arm has some unfortunate battle scars. The lines in her tummy that were used to temporarily give her medications will come out in the next few days. This is good because the lines in her tummy are more susceptible to infection than a PICC line. Fewer lines means a better chance that we will get to hold her soon!
     Charlotte is still bathing under the UV lights to help break down her bilirubin. While receiving her normal cares from the nurse the "blue lights" were turned off and her "sun goggles" were removed for about 15 minutes. Charlotte opened her eyes wider than ever before and for longer than we have ever seen.
     She is still breathing with the help of the ventilator, but the nurses are attempting to lower her settings on the ventilator so that Charlotte's lungs can get stronger. It will be a slow process until her lungs are strong enough to breathe on their own. 
     Charlotte also had another ultrasound of her head, and it showed no signs of bleeding. The nurse practitioner said that this is a good sign, and she will not need another ultrasound until she is 1 month old. 
    Every 24 hours, she is getting her daily dose of caffeine to stimulate their breathing. Like the caffeine in coffee or soft drinks, a low dose of caffeine helps keep infants alert and breathing regularly. 
    Charlotte also received another transfusion of platelets today to help her blood clot, and will continue to get the platelets until her body is strong enough to make them on their own. All in all, it has been a pretty good day for our girl! 

This year was our first Valentine's day as a family. David got his girls some beautiful presents. This bracelet is made of amethyst, Charlotte's birthstone, so that Laura can carry a reminder of Charlotte  wherever she goes!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like Charlotte is doing fantastic. She is a fighter.
