Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sunshine and snuggles

     It was a sunny day in Baltimore today. The snow is melting, and Charlotte has finally warmed up to letting Laura hold her! Laura was able to hold her daughter for 45 minutes today. Charlotte seemed to love every minute if it. She kept nestling herself right into her chest. The skin to skin contact is amazing for mother daughter bonding. Laura has been on a high ever since she held her!
     Charlotte's is now eating 12 milliliters of milk every 3 hours. If she continues to tolerate the increased food, the nurses are going to take her PICC line out by the end of the week and allow her to eat entirely by mouth.
     Charlotte's room is covered in pictures that her cousins have painted. Her cousins have been spending a lot of time paining her beautiful pictures to let them know how much they love her. It really makes her room look bright and cheerful. Charlotte is blessed to be surrounded by a lot of family, friends, and most importantly, love!

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