Friday, February 27, 2015

The roller coaster

They call the NICU a roller coaster ride. It is not as fun as a roller coaster, that's for sure. Charlotte's platelets are low again today, and so she received another transfusion. A side effect of platelet transfusions is increased levels of potassium which is a preservative for the platelets. Today the nurses checked Charlotte's electrolytes and found that she had very high potassium and abnormal sodium levels. High potassium levels can cause heart problems. They sent an EKG of Charlotte's heart to the cardiologist, and it was normal. The neonatologist decided to stop Charlotte's feedings and start her back on TPN through an IV in her leg so that she does not get any more potassium. Charlotte is not happy that she does not get to eat, and so she has been very upset all day. It is the most difficult thing in the world to watch your daughter crying constantly but not be able to hold her. She is also getting saline to stabilize her sodium levels and albulterol treatments to bring down her levels of potassium. Apparently, albuterol, which is normally used as a medication for breathing, also helps the body absorb potassium. On the positive side, Charlotte is still breathing well with the use of the SiPap machine. Hopefully tomorrow will be an better day for her.
This is a present from our NICU nurses at Mercy Medical Center

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