Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Diaper changes and spit up blankets

     Today our hearts are full. Laura was able to hold Charlotte for the second time! Her wonderful nurse, Deanna, thought it would be good to try Kangaroo care again. So, we put little Miss Charlotte's pink winter hat on and took her out into the real world. After about 5 minutes, she began to spit up the food she had just eaten all over Laura. I guess we should get used to this. Also, her oxygen levels started to drop. So, we placed her back in her incubator so she could relax. Because she is so tiny, the slightest bit of activity wears Charlotte out. So, we will have to take it slow with the Kangaroo care until she gets stronger. Those 5 minutes were the best 5 minutes of our week!
     Charlotte got tired yesterday after trying to breathe with the SiPap machine for a while, and she was burning too many calories by working so hard on breathing. So, she is using the ventilator again today until she can gain some weight and put on some muscle. Most preemies that are Charlotte's size will go off and on the ventilator several times before their lungs are strong enough to breathe on their own for good. The doctors are really trying to bulk our little girl up. She is eating 5 ml every 3 hours now. They say they will be increasing the amount of food she is eating throughout the week! 
     Laura was also able to change Charlotte's diaper for the first time today! Her diapers are teeny tiny, and she has lots of wires attached to her, so it made things a little tricky, but Laura handled it like a pro.
     In other news, the Duke Carolina game is this evening, and Charlotte is showing her support by wearing her UNC gear. GO HEELS!!!!

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