Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Two pounds

Today Charlotte had her first eye exam. The ophthalmologist tested for a disease called Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP). When babies are born prematurely, it can cause abnormal blood vessel development in the retina of the eye. Charlotte passed her test with flying colors! She is Stage 0, which means the doctor saw no signs of ROP. They will test her eyes several times in the next few weeks to monitor her and make sure the blood vessels in her eyes continue to develop normally. Charlotte has also received 2 doses of her IVIG treatment to help her body make platelets. She has tolerated the treatment well so far. She will receive one more dose tomorrow. She is eating 15 milliliters of food every 3 hours and tolerating it very well. With the feedings, her potassium and sodium levels are normal so far. The doctors are checking her levels every morning to make sure they are stable. Laura and David were able to do Kangaroo care with Charlotte. She loved it! (Tonight, while Laura was holding her, she peed all over Laura's shirt.) The really exciting news is that Charlotte weighs 2 pounds now! Grow Charlotte. Grow!

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