Tuesday, March 17, 2015


     We have been worried about Charlotte's endocrine system for a while now, because her potassium and sodium levels have been abnormal which indicates her adrenal glands might not be working. The adrenal glands secrete hormones that help regulate these levels in the blood. The endocrinologist sent out several tests, and they have come back with some answers. Charlotte had some elevation of her cortisol levels which is a hormone that indicates the body is experiencing stress. The doctors are not too concerned, because often premature babies will have this result due to difficulties with breathing and other things that are stressing their body. The doctors are just going to watch Charlotte closely and repeat the same tests in a few weeks once she is bigger. They are thinking that she may just need more time to grow. This is great news, because it is very scary when the doctors are talking about the possibility of Charlotte having an endocrine disorder or needing long term medicine. Today, Charlotte's sodium and potassium levels have actually started show signs of improvement which is great!
     Charlotte is really starting to fill out. She is 2.5 pounds now and is starting to look like a healthy little girl. David has held her several times this week, and we have started to read Charlotte bed time stories because she seems to be becoming very comfortable with being held. She also likes to listen to music. The integrative medicine team at the hospital has started to see Charlotte. Last week they played the harp for her, and she really liked it! David and I also play music for Charlotte. Our selections include AC/DC, Led Zepplin, and an array of classic 80's hits. Charlotte will definitely have a well rounded taste for music. Papa T would be proud!
     Laura had her first baby shower this week which was given by her friends from Baltimore. The girls put together a beautiful brunch at a local restaurant. Laura had so much fun spending time with everyone. She truly has an amazing group of friends who have been very supportive since Charlotte was born. Charlotte can't wait to meet them. Before we know it, she'll be one of the girls!

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