Sunday, March 8, 2015

Happy birthday, Charlotte!

Charlotte turned 1 month old today! It is unbelievable to think that we have been in the NICU for four weeks now. The past few days have been pretty uneventful. Charlotte continues to breathe well with the help of the CPAP machine. She uses low levels of supplemental oxygen, and the nurses are lowering her assistance as her breathing improves. Charlotte's IVIG treatment was completed. We are still waiting to see how this will effect her platelets. Her potassium levels have remained stable since we arrived at the University of Maryland. The doctors have been monitoring Charlotte closely by drawing blood frequently, and so she has had a few blood transfusions. However, as Charlotte's blood levels stay stable, the doctors have been drawing blood less often, which means less transfusions. Charlotte is 915 grams now, which is still about 2 lbs, and she is slowly gaining every day. She is eating 17 milliliters of food every 3 hours, and the doctors have added sodium supplements to her food to maintain her body's sodium levels at a normal range. Charlotte has gotten quite the reputation in the NICU. She poops and pees very regularly, and most of the time they do not stay in the diaper. The nurses are glad to have David and Laura help change the diapers. Laura and David get to hold Charlotte almost daily now. Today, Laura held Charlotte for 2 hours and her breathing becomes much better during Kangaroo Care. The skin to skin time is wonderful! The social worker has informed us that the doctors are thinking about sending Charlotte back to Mercy Medical Center soon. We are so excited. As long as the doctors think she is ready, we are ready for our private room back. Charlotte has high standards and prefers to have her own room overlooking the veranda. 

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