Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Maternity leave

Charlotte is 6 months now! The time is just flying by now that we are busy bees at home. The past few days have been very eventful. After attempting to take Charlotte out to experience the world, she caught a stomach virus. So, we were in the hospital 3 and a half days. Now we are back to square one with being cautious and keeping Charlotte as healthy as possible. Her room has lots to do and play with, so we will just stick to her room for now. Charlotte loves to explore and play on her playmat. She loves to "talk", roll around, and has recently found her own reflection! Laura has finally started her maternity leave, and David has started back to school. Laura is loving being home with Charlotte every day. It's like having your own personal baby doll that you can dress up and play with whenever you want! They have a great time together. Charlotte has a closet full of fun clothes that Laura bought her as a present to start the "Mommy daughter days." Charlotte is sleeping through the night which makes the days much more fun for Charlotte and Laura because they are both well rested. Charlotte has continuous g-tube feeds until she can swallow by mouth, so she doesn't get hungry at night. We will have our swallow study soon because the speech therapist recommended a follow up swallow study in 12 weeks. Well, the 12th week has arrived. Prayers would be much appreciated because we would love Charlotte to take food by mouth soon. Our household is busy with home health PT, home health OT, home health nursing, weekly platelet transfusions, and frequent other speciality appointments every week. All in all, she is a growing, happy little peanut and we love her to the moon and back. Every day is a new adventure!

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