Saturday, August 8, 2015

A lady about town

This week we are finally starting to enjoy some normalcy of life as a family of three. We have our own routines. Charlotte is able to snuggle in bed with us in the morning. Life is good. This week has been a week of many firsts for Charlotte and the Harris family. When Charlotte was first released from the NICU, Laura was terrified about Charlotte being outside. After a few days of being cooped up in the house, that all began to change. Our pediatrician gave us the OK to take Charlotte outside as long as we were careful about people touching her. Because she was so premature, Charlotte is still very susceptible to getting infections in her lungs, lines, etc. Charlotte goes for daily walks in her stroller. She had her first trip to the grocery store. She has met up with friends twice at the dog park with Chapel. (Ashleigh, in the picture holding Charlotte, was her nurse at the University of Maryland. Her dog Mia is adorable.) She even experienced her first sushi date. We had our first family dinner at a great restaurant called Brothers Sushi right down the street from our house. It looks like Charlotte's social calender is going to start filling up fast!

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