Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day

We have had such a wonderful week! Lynda, David's mom, AKA Gema, came all the way from North Carolina to stay with us for a week and spend time with Charlotte. Having her in Baltimore with us has been such a blessing. She helped cook, clean, and stay with Charlotte while Laura ran errands and David worked. Having family support has been our biggest gift. We have a wonderful family. Today is David's first Father's Day! Charlotte and Laura spent a lot of time getting gifts together for David to make it extra special. It was very appropriate that on Father's Day, David received two gifts that were Tom's, Laura's dad's. Laura's dad was a model for fatherhood. David is already proving to be just as good a father as Tom. Donna, Laura's mom, gave David Tom's nice Nikon camera, so we can take beautiful pictures and videos of Charlotte. (When we learn how to use it!) Also, Laura and Donna gave David a book that Laura had given to her dad. The book is a compilation of stories from daughters to honor their famous fathers. The list of famous father's includes Johnny Cash, Nolan Ryan, George Bush, etc. Laura had written a beautiful dedication to her dad. Donna wrote a beautiful dedication to David underneath of it. Charlotte made David some beautiful gifts also. She made him a baseball with her handprint and on the back signed it "Happy First Father's Day. Love, Charlotte." He is going to proudly display this gift on his desk at work. She also made him a First Father's Day picture that we framed with her hand and foot prints. It was a very special day. Then, we found out Charlotte contracted meningitis. We don't know how. She spiked a 103 fever on Saturday, and they immediately started giving her the dose of antibiotics that treats meningitis. Then, they did a lumbar puncture that confirmed the diagnosis. So, Charlotte will get 21 days of antibiotics to cure the meningitis. Then, she will hopefully get her G tube. We are so thankful that they caught the meningitis early, because Charlotte is back to her old self now. She is just as feisty as ever!

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