Sunday, June 28, 2015

8 lbs

What a little chunker we have on our hands! Charlotte is now 8 lbs. she is getting stronger by the day. This week, Charlotte became a "flipper." She officially rolled from her belly to her back for the first time! We are so proud. Laura couldn't stop talking about it all day at work. David is officially on summer break from school, which means he gets to spend much more time with Charlotte. Laura has returned to work part time and enjoys getting out and being around her old co-workers. Because Charlotte has been stuck so many times for blood and IVs, the doctors have decided to surgically place a central line which is a permanent IV site where the nurses can draw blood, give antibiotics, give platelets, etc. Charlotte's poor little body was beginning to look like a pin cushion. So, we are glad they can place a permanent line for a while. This means she won't have to get stuck anymore! We found out that one of her favorite nurses, Ashleigh watched the Lion King with her one night. So, now we watch movies all the time including Little Mermaid, The Lion King, Cinderella, etc. Charlotte really seems to like watching movies and especially loves the music!

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