Wednesday, April 20, 2016


It's game time! Time to put our game faces on! Charlotte's transplant process started this week. We were home for a few days before transplant, but now we are back, and it's go time. David's baseball team gave us a wonderful bag of goodies to help throughout the transplant. The best part is the baseball jersey for Charlotte, so that she can harness her inner Kenwood strength and spirit! She received her first two chemos Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. She has done great so far. No side effects just yet. She will continue one of the meds for Thursday and Friday also. Then comes the rough medication called Thiotepa. We will see how that goes, because it apparently is the hardest one. On Wednesday, Charlotte's ANC (her white blood cell count) dropped below 1000, so now everyone has to wear masks because she could catch germs very easily. It's been so nice to be close to so many of Laura's friends and family from home. She gets out for lunch dates often which helps because Charlotte is in isolation in her room 24/7. Adult conversation is also much appreciated. We are staying at the Ronald McDonald House while we are in Philly. It is so nice! They provide us with great meals and a really comfortable bed. What a blessing to have such a nice place to stay. Charlotte finally started speech therapy. They will help her learn to eat. So far, so good! She will also continue OT and PT to keep her strength up while she is here. Charlotte is just as ornery as ever so far. The nurses call her a little ninja!

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