Tuesday, March 15, 2016

She's on the move!

Once Charlotte turned one year old, she decided it was time to rock and roll. She has had an "explosion of movement" as her occupational therapist called it. She is finally crawling, which is great because she has been standing for a long time due to her belly problems. So, now she can connect the sitting and standing. She is all over the place. She pulls up at her crib, furniture, and tables. She doesn't stop moving. Her speech is taking off also. She sings into her hairbrush and holds very in depth conversations. What a fun age! Charlotte's transplant team has set her admission date for April 14. She will receive chemotherapy to wipe out all of her bone marrow cells, and then her donors bone marrow will be transplanted on April 27. That's when the hard work happens. Charlotte's body will have to work really hard to start making new blood cells using her donors marrow. She will be in the hospital for 30-45 days after she receives her donor's bone marrow. We have started the pre transplant process. The doctors have looked at her lungs, and they say they look great! No complications were found at all. The ENT doctor also scoped her and saw no problems. The transplant doctor did her bone marrow biopsy now that she is big enough. We are waiting for final results. The surgeon placed a central line with two lumens so that she can have 2 instead of 1 for transplant. She has tolerated everything really well! We will have 3 big appointments at CHOP at the end of March to start the major pre transplant scans. Doctors will look at Charlotte's breathing ability, liver, kidneys, heart, etc to see how the organs that are typically effected by transplant are functioning. This way they can have a baseline to help her after transplant. We have also been working on getting Laura more help as Charlotte's appointments start increasing. Laura and Charlotte will be spending lots of time hanging out at Nana's house in Delaware!

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