Thursday, May 28, 2015

Best Part of My Day

The most significant things in life are rarely easy, that is what makes them significant. With Charlotte being born three months early, we were told to expect to be in the NICU until roughly her original due date. Well, the original due date (May 4th) has come and gone, and here we sit, still in the NICU, waiting for answers.

Is it frustrating?
Is it difficult?
Oh course.
Do we have bad days?
Ask any parent in the NICU....You can find new lows you didn't know existed.

But......the best part of my day is when I push the button to open those automatic, double doors and walk into the NICU. I am supposed to scrub up before I visit her, but I at least have to walk in and let her know that I am there. I cannot seem to wash my hands quick enough so I can get back in there and be with her. Yesterday the nurse woke Charlotte up to do her cares and she started crying when the nurse began to change her diaper. I said, "Charlotte, its going to be okay." She immediately stopped crying and started looking around for me. The nurse and I both started laughing at the obvious site that Charlotte recognized my voice and did not know I was in the room until that moment. A moment I will never forget.

Part of life in the NICU is not knowing what lies ahead. It is easy to get distracted or overwhelmed with all the test results, new symptoms, alarms buzzing, and doctors running in and out. I sometimes find myself asking, "Why?". No matter how long or hard I think about that question, I never come up with an answer. God has a plan for Charlotte. God has a plan for Laura and me as well. There is no doubt that His plan will be difficult and challenging, but that is what makes it significant.

I love you, Charlotte.

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